7 Mindfulness Tips During the Holidays
It's almost a cliché to say the holidays can be stressful. Each year, no matter how hard we try to focus on the joy of the season, we instead find ourselves navigating an emotional minefield. Instead of aiming for a picture-perfect celebration, we can allow the holidays to become an opportunity to appreciate all the good around us. Letting go of the expectations of the holidays, opens us up to more opportunities for overall connection and joy. Mindfulness is a great way to re-center during the “best time of year” by bringing awareness to our everyday lives, increasing compassion for ourselves and others, and reducing stress and anxiety. Practicing mindfulness can make a significant impact on our minds and bodies, yes - even during the holidays. Here are seven mindfulness tips that you can practice to help get you through the holiday season.
Practice Active Listening: Sometimes, we get ahead of ourselves and can be so certain of how a specific event will turn out that we are not present in the moment and don’t allow situations to unfold on their own. By practicing active listening, we can let go of what may happen and focus on the here and now instead.
Be Open: Practice being open and honest with your emotions this holiday season. By being both attentive and receptive to your own emotional state as it changes, you can be better suited to connect (or disconnect) with loved ones – as needed.
Don't Get Stuck in The Past: Give yourself permission to let go of anything that is holding you back. The holidays are known for traditions and memories, but if any of those things are a breeding ground for negativity, make a mental note. If something is bringing a negative response, acknowledge it – and let it go. You know, like Elsa.
Communicate Care: Take the time to explore how you show care and compassion to your loved ones and friends. If you plan to buy a gift for someone, take the time to ask yourself, "what am I trying to communicate through this?" Think about additional ways that you can show care and compassion to someone.
Let Go of Judgment: Family often has varying levels of conflict, and this can lead to judgment and criticism. Whether you are blaming yourself or someone else, take a step back and begin to loosen those feelings. Notice when it is happening and what your thoughts are about it.
Balance Obligations: Consider new ways in which you can strike a balance between obligations and the need to meet others' expectations. Without this balance, we can risk holiday fatigue or burnout. Take moments where you can choose not to focus on making things perfect or meeting others' expectations. View these moments as a time to replenish yourself.
Practice Self-Compassion: The holiday season can quickly become overwhelming. Become aware of any stress reactions and take the time to care for yourself. Get enough sleep, practice mindful eating, and take some mindful moments to recharge.
We wish you a happy, relaxing, and mindful holiday season filled with love.