Dorlisa Banbanaste
Dorlie Banbanaste
program director and mbsr team leader
Dorlie Banbanaste is a Qualified MBSR facilitator and is seeking Certification through Brown University. She holds a degree in Music Theory and Performance and a master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling.
She has worked with children, teens and adults struggling with substance use and mental health issues since 2007. She valued bringing mindfulness to her clinical work and introducing her clients to awareness activities. Dorlie attended her first MBSR series in 2014 and from then on knew mindfulness practice would always be a major part of her life.
During her tenure at MKM she has created the Compassionate Choice - Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program (CC-MBSR) focused on mitigating the risk of secondary trauma for staff working with vulnerable populations, and the Mindful Body & Mind Series (M-Body), a shortened format based on the MBSR for time-constrained adults. Dorlisa aspires to help others in an integrative and research-based platform as a part of Mindful Kids Miami while the organization continues to develop and fill a major need in Miami-Dade County.
Listen to a 5 minute practice: